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Version: 4.8.0



Several properties can be specified inside your file, inside your application.yml file, or as command line switches. This document provides a list of common AWE properties and references to the underlying classes that consume them.

ℹ️ Los valores de las propiedades pueden provenir de archivos jar adicionales en el classpath, por lo que no se debería considerar esta como una lista exhaustiva. También puede definir sus propias propiedades.

ℹ️ To know more about the rest of spring boot configuration properties, visit Spring Appendix A

AWE Base Properties

These are the base application configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix awe.application.

NameDescripciónDefault value
awe.application.encodingBase encoding for all files.UTF-8
awe.application.nameApplication name.AWE (Almis Web Engine)
awe.application.language-defaultApplication language in ISO 639-1 2 Letters format. (en = English).en (en = English)
awe.application.language-listApplication available languages in ISO 639-1 2 Letters format. (en = English).en, es, fr list with EN, ES, FR languages
awe.application.themeApplication Sky theme
awe.application.acronymApplication acronym. Corresponds to the name of the artifactId of the project.awe layout of the application menu. Horizontal or Vertical.horizontal
awe.application.module-listList with application modules separate by commas. Used to load xml files for each module.
awe.application.addressApplication address parameter name.address
awe.application.preload-screensEnable preload screens.true
awe.application.reload-current-screenReload current screen.false
awe.application.extension-xmlXML file extension parameter name..xml
awe.application.print-all-options-enableShow all print options.true
awe.application.log-groupDefine the parent path for application log files./application
awe.application.log-manager-pathDefine the path where awe log manager search the log files.${logging.file.path:${}} ${}
awe.application.log-user-enableFlag to activate log file appender by user.true
awe.application.highcharts-server-urlHighcharts export server url.
awe.application.loading-timeoutLoading timeout in milliseconds.10000ms Duration
awe.application.files.actionsXml file name of actions definition.Actions
awe.application.files.servicesXml file name of services definition.Services
awe.application.files.localeXml file name of locales definition.Locale-
awe.application.files.enumeratedXml file name of enumerated definition.Enumerated
awe.application.files.queryXml file name of queries definition.Queries
awe.application.files.queueXml file name of Queues definition.Queues
awe.application.files.maintainXml file name of maintains definition.Maintain
awe.application.files.componentsXml file name of components definition.Components
awe.application.files.templatesXml file name of templates definition.Templates
awe.application.files.emailXml file name of Email definition.Email file name of public menu definition.public file name of private menu definition.private
awe.application.paths.baseApplication base path./ Root path
awe.application.paths.applicationApplication folder path./application/
awe.application.paths.globalGlobal folder path./global/
awe.application.paths.localeLocale folder path./locale/
awe.application.paths.screenScreen folder path./screen/
awe.application.paths.profileProfile folder path./profile/
awe.application.paths.menuMenu folder path./menu/
awe.application.paths.templatesTemplates folder path.templates/
awe.application.paths.templates-angularAngular templates folder path.angular
awe.application.paths.tagTag folder path.tags/
awe.application.paths.tag-angularTag angular folder path.tags/angular/
awe.application.paths.serverServer path. Used for set initial URL.
awe.application.paths.imagesImages folder path.images/
awe.application.paths.reportsReports destination folder path.@reports (@ is a relative path from awe.application.paths.base property)
awe.application.paths.reports-historicHistoric report's destination folder path.@historicReports/ (@ is a relative path from awe.application.paths.base property)
awe.application.paths.documentsDocuments folder path.static/docs/
awe.application.paths.jrxJasper jrx folder path./jrx/
awe.application.paths.tempTemp folder path.${}
awe.application.paths.icon-faviconFavicon icon path. Uses application.paths.images as parent path./images/icon/favicon-awe.ico
awe.application.paths.icon-phoneApple icon 57x57 path. Uses application.paths.images as parent path./images/icon/favicon-awe.ico
awe.application.paths.image-startup-logoHome screen logo. Uses awe.application.paths.images as parent path. Default value ../images/logo/logo-awe-nuevo.svglogo/logo-awe-nuevo.svg
awe.application.paths.image-startup-backgroundHome screen background image. Uses application.paths.images as parent path.. Default value ../images/logo/signin-bg-1.jpglogo/signin-bg-1.jpg
awe.application.parameter.usernameScreen username parameter value.cod_usr
awe.application.parameter.passwordScreen password parameter value.pwd_usr
awe.application.parameter.tokenToken parameter name.t
awe.application.screen.homeHome screen name.home
awe.application.screen.change-passwordChange password screen name.change_password
awe.application.screen.initialDefault initial screen name.information
awe.application.component.sizeComponents (Small) of data parameter send from
awe.application.component.grid-rows-per-pageRows per page in grid component (Set to 0 to avoid pagination).30
awe.application.component.grid-pixels-per-characterPixels per char in grids.8
awe.application.component.criteria-rows-per-pageRows per page in criteria component (Set to 0 to avoid pagination).100
awe.application.component.computed-empty-if-nullEmpty computed values if one of the wildcards are empty.true
awe.application.component.suggest-timeoutSuggest component timeout in milliseconds.300ms Duration help timeout in milliseconds.1000ms Duration
awe.application.component.upload-file-idFile uploader component Id.u
awe.application.component.upload-file-pathPath for file uploads (Relative to application.base.path starts with @).@upload/ (@ is a relative path from awe.application.paths.base property)
awe.application.component.upload-max-file-sizeMax size for uploaded files (in MB).100MB DataSize
awe.application.component.upload-max-files-folderMax elements per folder. Used to create temporal folder where save uploaded files.100 downloader component Id.d
awe.application.component.pivot-num-groupNumber of group element limit of pivot table component.5000
awe.application.component.chart-limit-point-serieLimit of points series in chart component.1000000
awe.application.component.tooltip.ok-timeoutTimeout for ok messages (in milliseconds).2000ms Duration
awe.application.component.tooltip.error-timeoutTimeout for error messages (in milliseconds).0ms Duration
awe.application.component.tooltip.warning-timeoutTimeout for warning messages (in milliseconds).4000ms Duration for info messages (in milliseconds).0ms Duration
awe.application.component.tooltip.validate-timeoutTimeout for validate messages (in milliseconds).2000ms Duration for help messages (in milliseconds).5000ms Duration for chat messages (in milliseconds).0ms Duration
awe.application.component.tooltip.wrong-timeoutTimeout for wrong messages (in milliseconds).0ms Duration
awe.application.jms.enabledEnable AWE JMS service connector.false
awe.application.jms.service-timeoutJms service timeout in milliseconds.10000ms Duration
awe.application.jms.message-time-to-liveJms message time to live in milliseconds. Default value 0ms (the message remains on the queue indefinitely until is processed)0ms Duration
awe.application.file-manager.base-pathFile manager base path./ (Root path) manager date format.yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
awe.application.task.pool.sizeTask executor pool size.20
awe.application.task.pool.max-sizeTask executor pool max elements.50
awe.application.task.pool.queue-sizeTask executor queue size.1000
awe.application.task.pool.await-terminationTask executor await termination in seconds.120s Duration
awe.application.task.pool.thread-prefixAWE Pool executor threads prefix.AweThread- Help Pool executor threads prefix.AweHelpThread-
awe.application.task.pool.contextless-thread-prefixAWE context less Pool executor threads prefix.AweInitThread-

AWE Database Properties

These are the database configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix awe.database.

NameDescripciónDefault value
awe.database.enabledEnable awe database loading beans.true
awe.database.parameter-nameDatabase criterion name. Configure the database parameter to retrieve the value from screen context._database_
awe.database.limit-log-sizeLimit log size when a query is printed (0 to disable).0
awe.database.multidatabase-enableEnable multi database. Enable a custom datasource to allow connections to multiple database.false
awe.database.migration-modulesList of modules separated by comma to be migrated by flyway.AWE
awe.database.migration-prefixScript migration prefix pattern name. Default value [Module]_V (Ex: AWE_V)%s_V
awe.database.migration-repeatable-prefixRepeatable script migration prefix pattern name. Default value [Module]_R (Ex: AWE_R)%s_R
awe.database.audit-enableEnable audit operations in AWE database engine.true
awe.database.audit-dateName of Date column in audit tables.HISdat
awe.database.audit-userName of User column in audit tables.HISope
awe.database.audit-actionName of Action column in audit tables.HISact
awe.database.audit-lagAudit lag in milliseconds. Used to built a timestamp in audit process.100ms Duration
awe.database.batch-maxChunk size for batch operations.100

AWE Security Properties

These are all security configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix

NameDescripciónDefault value key used in encryption process.B1Le3s%25abc75TeBe05 mode.bbdd BBDD (Database) custom class providers. Used to implement your custom authentication provider. json encoding with BASE64 between client-server.false parameter list name.p restriction set (default should be the most restricted).general prefix to build user grants in spring security.ROLE_ paths for xstream*", "com.almis.awe.model.entities.**_ regex pattern. Used in criteria validation field..* minimum length. Used in criteria validation field.4 same origin in http headers. Avoid cross domain frame requests.true with allowed origin paths separate by commas.* user login property name. In WINDOWS environment sAMAccountName={0}. In UNIX environment uid={0}sAMAccountName={0} server url. Set server values separate by commas when you need config more than one.ldap://localhost:389 base domain for search. Default value empty (Root Dn). user bind search pattern. bind password. connection timeout in millis. Set com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout environment property.5000ms Duration read timeout in millis. Set environment property.5000ms Duration, enable or force the TOTP.disabled screen to check TOTP.check-2fa screen to force enable TOTP.activate-2fa

AWE Numeric Properties

These are the numeric configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix awe.numeric.

NameDescripciónDefault value
awe.numeric.formatNumber format separator for input numeric. Default value NumericFormatType.EUR (eur). European numeric format ('.' as thousands character and ',' as decimal character).eur
awe.numeric.round-typeRounding type for numeric operations. Default value Half Up Symmetric (S). See RoundTypes for more info.S RoundingType.HALF_UP_SYMMETRIC
awe.numeric.pattern-formattedNumeric format for field pattern value.###,###.####
awe.numeric.pattern-unformattedNumeric format for field pattern value (plain, without a thousand separators).######.####
awe.numeric.min-valueMinimum value for numeric component.-9999999999.99
awe.numeric.max-valueMaximum value for numeric component.9999999999.99
awe.numeric.padding-with-zerosPadding with zeros to complete format number in numeric component.false
awe.numeric.decimal-numbersNumber of decimals for numeric component.5
awe.numeric.separator-thousandThousands separator for numeric component. Default value Thousands Char of NumericFormatType (awe.numeric.format).
awe.numeric.separator-decimalDecimal separator for numeric component. Default value Decimal Char of NumericFormatType (awe.numeric.format), the digital grouping - the placement of the thousand separator for numeric component.3
awe.numeric.currency-signDesired currency symbol for numeric component. Empty string
awe.numeric.currency-placeControls the placement of the currency symbol for numeric component. Default value s (suffix to the right). Use p for prefix to the left.s
awe.numeric.empty-valueControls controls input display behavior for numeric component.empty

AWE Session Properties

These are the session configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix awe.session.

NameDescripciónDefault value
awe.session.parameterParameters map injected to session when the application context is starting. Ex: awe.session.parameter.par1=QueryNameawe.session.parameter.module=ModNamByOpeSel awe.session.parameter.database=DbsAlsBySitModSel

AWE Email Properties

These are the Email engine configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix awe.mail.

NameDescripciónDefault value
awe.mail.enabledFlag to enable awe email features. The Default value is false.false
awe.mail.hostEmail server host.
awe.mail.portEmail server port.25
awe.mail.authEmail authentication. Flag to specify if authentication is needed.false
awe.mail.userEmail server auth username.
awe.mail.passEmail server auth password.
awe.mail.debugExecute email in debug mode. The Default value is false.false
awe.mail.sslFlag to specify the usage of SSL protocol.false
awe.mail.tlsFlag to specify the usage of TLS protocol.false
awe.mail.localhostName of local smtp server.localhost

AWE Developer Properties

These are the Developer module configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix awe.developer.

NameDescripciónDefault value
awe.developer.pathDeveloper path. Used to manage the locale files.${user.home}/awe-developer
awe.developer.path-filePath file
awe.developer.path-propertyPath property name.path.project
awe.developer.translation-serviceTranslation service.my_memory
awe.developer.translation.mymemory.keyMyMemory api key.10ecdc1ed89ac3ebed3b
awe.developer.translation.mymemory.hostMyMemory translation service
awe.developer.translation.mymemory.emailTranslation service reference
awe.developer.translation.rapidapi.keyRapidAPI api key.f20790a0d6msh98d1dad8f0e3da9p10eb19jsn671d6cab2ec5
awe.developer.translation.rapidapi.hostRapidAPI translation service
awe.developer.translation.rapidapi.emailTranslation service reference

AWE Rest Properties

These are the REST connector and Microservice connector configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix

NameDescripciónDefault value AWE application as Eureka Client.false connection timeout in millis.5s Duration request timeout in millis.5s Duration with Rest services info used by AWE microservice and REST connector. See these examples API Info title.AWE Rest API API Info description.Rest API to access AWE services API Info version.v1.0.0 API Contact name. API Contact url. API Contact email. API License name.Apache 2.0 API License url. API Terms of service url. API External doc description. API External doc url. header name for AWE Rest moduleAuthorization token prefix.Bearer secret password for sign token.Value of issuer name.AWE ISSUER time valid token to expire in minutes.60m Duration

Examples Rest services definitions
# Microservices properties
# Microservice parameters[0].name=database[0].type=session[1].name=username[1].type=session[2].name=currentDate[2].type=session[3].name=numPar[3].value=3
# microservices.[service-name] to overwrite microservice base endpoint

# Rest services properties
# Rest security

AWE Scheduler Properties

These are the Scheduler module configuration properties for AWE projects. They have the prefix awe.scheduler.

NameDescripciónDefault value
awe.scheduler.tasks-load-on-startFlag to load tasks on start application.true
awe.scheduler.stored-executionsNumber of executions to stored in log.5 report
awe.scheduler.execution-log-pathScheduler execution log path.${logging.file.path:${}}/scheduler
awe.scheduler.execution-log-patternScheduler execution log pattern.%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} -%5p : %m%n%wEx
awe.scheduler.task-timeoutScheduler tasks default timeout in seconds.1800s Duration
awe.scheduler.task-pool.sizeSchedule Task pool size.20
awe.scheduler.task-pool.max-sizeScheduler task pool max size.50
awe.scheduler.task-pool.queue-sizeScheduler task pool queue capacity.1000
awe.scheduler.task-pool.terminationScheduler task pool termination.120s Duration

Valor de la propiedad de codificación

Hay una forma de almacenar propiedades codificadas (como contraseñas) en un archivo de propiedades. You need to deploy the application, and enter into Settings -> Security access -> Encrypt util, fill the text criterion with the password and push the Encrypt button. The Encrypted property field is the value of the encoded password.


Una vez codificado, solo es necesario ponerlo en cualquiera de los archivos de propiedades y usarlo:


ℹ️ The master key used to encode the properties is the property from file. You can overwrite it on your own file.

⚠️ The Phrase key field on the Encrypt util screen allows you to generate the encoded properties with other passwords, but don't forget that the encoded properties with a phrase key and the must match to be decoded successfully.

Sobreescritura de propiedades

You can overwrite a any property of awe framework by adding it to your file of the project.

Awe tiene el mismo orden de lectura de propiedades que Spring (1. Es la preferencia más alta).

  1. Devtools global settings properties on your home directory (~/ when devtools is active).
  2. @TestPropertySource annotations on your tests.
  3. @SpringBootTest#properties annotation attribute on your tests.
  4. Argumentos de línea de comandos.
  5. Properties from SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON (inline JSON embedded in an environment variable or system property)
  6. ServletConfig init parameters.
  7. ServletContext init parameters.
  8. JNDI attributes from java:comp/env.
  9. Java System properties (System.getProperties()).
  10. Variables de entorno del SO.
  11. A RandomValuePropertySource that only has properties in random.*.
  12. Profile-specific application properties outside of your packaged jar (application-{profile}.properties and YAML variants)
  13. Profile-specific application properties packaged inside your jar (application-{profile}.properties and YAML variants)
  14. Application properties outside of your packaged jar ( and YAML variants).
  15. Application properties packaged inside your jar ( and YAML variants).
  16. @PropertySource annotations on your @Configuration classes.
  17. Default properties (specified using SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties).

Configuración externa

Si necesita cargar la configuración desde un archivo externo, debe considerar:

AWE like SpringApplication will load properties from files in the following locations and add them to the Spring Environment:

A /config subdirectory of the current directory.

  1. El directorio actual
  2. Un paquete /config en el classpath
  3. La raíz de classpath

Also, you can set spring.config.location environment property the run command.

java -jar myAweProject.jar --spring.config.location=file:/external_path/

ℹ️ You can find more information about this in heck the Official Spring documentation .