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Version: 4.10.0

Builder Module

Builder module is a set of Java utilities designed to cover some functionalities:

  • Make easier the developer task of sending actions to the frontend.
  • Allow to define dynamic screens in Java instead of XML files.


Add the following dependency into your maven pom.xml file:


And there you go!

Client action builders

Client action builders help the developer in the task of sending specific client actions to the frontend.

screen action builder

This action makes the application to move to another screen.


serviceData.addClientAction(new ScreenActionBuilder("another-screen-option").build());

This sample creates a client action which will try to navigate to the option defined as another-screen-option.

redirect action builder

This action makes the application to redirect to another URL.


serviceData.addClientAction(new RedirectActionBuilder("").build());

This sample creates a client action which will try to navigate to the URL

redirect-screen action builder

This action makes the application to redirect a specific screen to another URL.


serviceData.addClientAction(new RedirectScreenActionBuilder("specific-screen", "").build());

This sample creates a client action which will try to navigate to the URL if the current screen is specific-screen (useful for dynamic-generated screens).

fill action builder

This action sends a list of data to a component:


DataList dataList = new DataList();
// ...
serviceData.addClientAction(new FillActionBuilder("my-grid", dataList).build());

This sample sends dataList to "my-grid" component.

select action builder

This action sends a list of selected values to a component.


List<String> values = new ArrayList();
// ...
serviceData.addClientAction(new SelectActionBuilder("my-select", values).build());

Alternate usage:

serviceData.addClientAction(new SelectActionBuilder("my-select", value1, value2, ... valueN).build());

This sample sends a list of selected values to "my-select" component.

fill-suggest action builder

This action sends a list of selected values and labels to a suggest component.


List<Object> values = new ArrayList();
// ...
serviceData.addClientAction(new FillSuggestActionBuilder("my-suggest", values).build());

This sample sends a list of selected values and labels to "my-suggest" component.

filter action builder

This action calls a component to reload itself:


serviceData.addClientAction(new FilterActionBuilder("my-grid").build());

This sample tells "my-grid" component to reload its data.

update-controller action builder

This action triggers a change of attribute inside a component:


// ...
serviceData.addClientAction(new UpdateControllerActionBuilder("my-select", "optional", false).build());

This sample changes the optional attribute on "my-select" component to false.

message action builder

This action allows sending a message to the user. Message type can be one of OK, WARNING, ERROR or INFO.


serviceData.addClientAction(new MessageActionBuilder(AnswerType.OK, "message title", "message description").build());

This sample sends a message to the frontend.

dialog action builder

This action opens a modal window in the screen.


serviceData.addClientAction(new DialogActionBuilder("my-dialog").build());

This sample opens the modal screen named "my-dialog".

confirm action builder

This action opens a modal window with a button to confirm or cancel action.


serviceData.addClientAction(new ConfirmActionBuilder("messageId").build());

This sample opens a modal confirm dialog using the message tag defined as message-id.

An alternate usage of this builder is the following one:

serviceData.addClientAction(new ConfirmActionBuilder("message title", "message description").build());

Instead of using a defined message tag, this action uses the title and description parameter defined on it.

get-file action builder

This action asks a file to be downloaded.


FileData fileData = new FileData();
serviceData.addClientAction(new DownloadActionBuilder(fileData).build());

This sample try to download the file defined in the fileData bean.

CSS action builders

add-class action builder

This action search for a CSS class in the screen and if it finds it, adds some CSS classes to the element.


serviceData.addClientAction(new AddCssClassActionBuilder(".selector", "class1", "class2", "class3").build());

This sample search for the .selector CSS selector, and adds the "class1", "class2" and "class3" classes into the element if found.

remove-class action builder

This action search for a CSS class in the screen and if it finds it, removes some CSS classes from the element.


serviceData.addClientAction(new RemoveCssClassActionBuilder(".selector", "class1", "class2", "class3").build());

This sample search for the .selector CSS selector, and removes the "class1", "class2" and "class3" classes from the element if found.

toggle-class action builder

This action search for a CSS class in the screen and toggles it from the element.


serviceData.addClientAction(new ToggleCssClassActionBuilder(".selector", "class1", "class2", "class3").build());

This sample search for the .selector CSS selector, and removes the "class1", "class2" and "class3" classes from the element if found.

Grid action builders

add-columns action builder

This action adds some columns on a grid.


List<Column> columnList = new ArrayList<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new AddColumnsActionBuilder("my-grid", columnList).build());

This sample adds a list of columns on the "my-grid" grid.

replace-columns action builder

This action replaces all columns on the grid with the defined column list.


List<Column> columnList = new ArrayList<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new ReplaceColumnsActionBuilder("my-grid", columnList).build());

This sample replaces all columns on the "my-grid" grid.

show-columns action builder

This action show some columns on a grid.


List<String> columnIdList = new ArrayList<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new ShowColumnsActionBuilder("my-grid", columnIdList).build());

Alternate usage:

serviceData.addClientAction(new ShowColumnsActionBuilder("my-grid", "column1", "column2", ... "columnN").build());

hide-columns action builder

This action hide some columns on a grid.


List<String> columnIdList = new ArrayList<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new HideColumnsActionBuilder("my-grid", columnIdList).build());

Alternate usage:

serviceData.addClientAction(new HideColumnsActionBuilder("my-grid", "column1", "column2", ... "columnN").build());

add-row action builder

This action adds a row to the grid. Depending on selected row you can decide where to add the new row:

  • TOP: As the first line of the grid.
  • BOTTOM: As the last line of the grid (default).
  • UP: Over the selected row.
  • DOWN: Below the selected row.


Map<String, Object> rowData = new HashMap<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new AddRowActionBuilder(RowPosition.TOP, "my-grid", rowData).build());

Alternate usage:

ObjectNode rowData = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
serviceData.addClientAction(new AddRowActionBuilder(RowPosition.DOWN, "my-grid", rowData).build());

copy-row action builder

This action copies a row to the grid. Depending on selected row you can decide where to add the new row:

  • TOP: As the first line of the grid.
  • BOTTOM: As the last line of the grid (default).
  • UP: Over the selected row.
  • DOWN: Below the selected row.


serviceData.addClientAction(new CopyRowActionBuilder(RowPosition.TOP, "my-grid").build());

You also can define the row you want to copy from:

serviceData.addClientAction(new CopyRowActionBuilder(RowPosition.BOTTOM, "my-grid", "my-row").build());

update-row action builder

This action updates the selected row.


Map<String, Object> rowData = new HashMap<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new UpdateRowActionBuilder("my-grid", rowData).build());

Alternate usage:

ObjectNode rowData = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
serviceData.addClientAction(new UpdateRowActionBuilder("my-grid", rowData).build());

You also can define the row you want to update:

serviceData.addClientAction(new DeleteRowActionBuilder("my-grid", "my-row", rowData).build());

delete-row action builder

This action deletes the selected row.


serviceData.addClientAction(new DeleteRowActionBuilder("my-grid").build());

You also can define the row you want to delete:

serviceData.addClientAction(new DeleteRowActionBuilder("my-grid", "my-row").build());

select-all-rows action builder

This action selects all rows in the grid.


serviceData.addClientAction(new SelectAllRowsActionBuilder("my-grid").build());

unselect-all-rows action builder

This action unselects all rows in the grid.


serviceData.addClientAction(new UnselectAllRowsActionBuilder("my-grid").build());

update-cell action builder

This action updates a grid cell data.


ComponentAddress address = new ComponentAddress("view", "component", "row", "column");
CellData cellData = new CellData(value);
serviceData.addClientAction(new UpdateCellActionBuilder("my-grid", cellData).build());

This sample changes the cell column at row row on component grid with cellData value.

This builder also allows to define data as JsonNode instead of CellData:

ComponentAddress address = new ComponentAddress("view", "component", "row", "column");
ObjectNode nodeData = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
nodeData.put("icon", "fa-empire");
nodeData.put("style", "text-danger");
nodeData.put("value", "fa-empire");
serviceData.addClientAction(new UpdateCellActionBuilder(address, nodeData).build());

Chart action builders

add-chart-series action builder

This action allows to add series to a chart


List<ChartSerie> serieList = new ArrayList<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new AddChartSeriesActionBuilder("my-chart", serieList).build());

Alternate usage:

serviceData.addClientAction(new AddChartSeriesActionBuilder("my-chart", serie1, serie2, ... serieN).build());

This sample adds a list of series on the "my-chart" chart.

replace-chart-series action builder

This action allows to replace all series from a chart


List<ChartSerie> serieList = new ArrayList<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new ReplaceChartSeriesActionBuilder("my-chart", serieList).build());

Alternate usage:

serviceData.addClientAction(new ReplaceChartSeriesActionBuilder("my-chart", serie1, serie2, ... serieN).build());

This sample replaces all series on the "my-chart" chart.

remove-chart-series action builder

This action allows to remove some series from a chart.


List<ChartSerie> serieList = new ArrayList<>();
serviceData.addClientAction(new RemoveChartSeriesActionBuilder("my-chart", serieList).build());

Alternate usage:

serviceData.addClientAction(new RemoveChartSeriesActionBuilder("my-chart", serie1, serie2, ... serieN).build());

This sample remove all series defined on serieList from the "my-chart" chart.

add-points action builder

This action sends a list of serie data to a chart:


DataList dataList = new DataList();
// ...
serviceData.addClientAction(new AddPointsActionBuilder("my-chart", dataList).build());

This sample sends dataList points to "my-chart" component.

Note: Each datalist column name must match a chart serie id.

Screen builders

This set of builders is designed to generate java-defined screens instead of defining them in XML format.

Screen builder

The screen builder is the main builder in this set. It allows the developer to generate dynamically an XML Screen structure:

ScreenBuilder builder = new ScreenBuilder()
.addTag(new TagBuilder()
.addChart(new ChartBuilder()
.setChartLegend(new ChartLegendBuilder()
.setChartTooltip(new ChartTooltipBuilder()
.addChartParameter(new ChartParameterBuilder()
.addChartSerieList(new ChartSerieBuilder()
.addContextButton(new ContextButtonBuilder()
.addContextSeparator(new ContextSeparatorBuilder())
.addDependency(new DependencyBuilder()
.addDependencyAction((DependencyActionBuilder) new DependencyActionBuilder()
.addDependencyElement(new DependencyElementBuilder()
.addAxis(new AxisBuilder()
.addAxis(new AxisBuilder()

Screen screen =;

To use the dynamic screens, you can now add an option in any of the menus (public or private) with the following structure:

<option name="dynamic-screen-test" dynamic-screen="true" dynamic-screen-service="serviceWhichReturnsAnScreen"

This will call directly to the service...

<service id="serviceWhichReturnsAnScreen">
<java classname="com.almis.awe.service.DummyService" method="serviceWhichReturnsAnScreen"/>

And the service which returns the screen should be like:

public ServiceData serviceWhichReturnsAnScreen() throws AWException {
return new ServiceData().setData(new ScreenBuilder().setId("...")...

Component builders

For each component designed in AWE you have a builder to define its behaviour:

  • TagBuilder: Builds a <tag> component.
  • WindowBuilder: Builds a <window> component.
  • DialogBuilder: Builds a <dialog> component.
  • IncludeBuilder: Builds a <include> component.
  • MenuContainerBuilder: Builds a <menu-container> component.
  • MessageBuilder: Builds a <message> component.
  • PivotTableBuilder: Builds a <pivot-table> component.
  • ResizableBuilder: Builds a <resizable> component.
  • TagListBuilder: Builds a <tag-list> component.
  • ViewBuilder: Builds a <view> component.
  • WidgetBuilder and WidgetParameterBuilder: Builds a <widget> component.
  • InfoBuilder: Builds a <info> component.
  • TabBuilder and TabContainerBuilder: Builds a <tab> component.
  • WizardBuilder and WizardPanelBuilder: Builds a <wizard> component.
  • ButtonBuilder and ButtonActionBuilders: Builds <button> components.
  • ImageBuilder: Builds an <img> component.
  • ContextButtonBuilder and ContextSeparatorBuilder: Builds <context-button> components.
  • DependencyBuilder, DependencyActionBuilder and DependencyElementBuilder: Builds <dependency> components.

Criteria builders

There is a builder for each criteria type defined on AWE:

  • ButtonCheckboxCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with button-checkbox component.
  • ButtonRadioCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with button-radio component.
  • CalendarCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with date component.
  • CheckboxCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with checkbox component.
  • ColorpickerCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with color component.
  • FilteredCalendarCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with filtered-calendar component.
  • HiddenCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with hidden component.
  • MarkdownCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with markdown-editor component.
  • NumericCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with numeric component.
  • PasswordCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with password component.
  • RadioCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with radio component.
  • SelectCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with select component.
  • SelectMultipleCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with select-multiple component.
  • SuggestCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with suggest component.
  • SuggestMultipleCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with suggest-multiple component.
  • TextareaCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with textarea component.
  • TextCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with text component.
  • TextViewCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with text-view component.
  • TimeCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with time component.
  • UploaderCriteriaBuilder: Builds a <criteria> component with uploader component.

Grid and column builders

There are a couple of builders for grid elements:

  • GridBuilder: Builds a <grid> component.
  • GroupHeaderBuilder: Builds a <group-header> component.

And a builder for each column type:

  • CalendarColumnBuilder: Builds a column with date component.
  • CheckboxColumnBuilder: Builds a column with checkbox component.
  • ColorpickerColumnBuilder: Builds a column with color component.
  • FilteredCalendarColumnBuilder: Builds a column with filtered-calendar component.
  • MarkdownColumnBuilder: Builds a column with markdown-editor component.
  • NumericColumnBuilder: Builds a column with numeric component.
  • PasswordColumnBuilder: Builds a column with password component.
  • SelectColumnBuilder: Builds a column with select component.
  • SelectMultipleColumnBuilder: Builds a column with select-multiple component.
  • SuggestColumnBuilder: Builds a column with suggest component.
  • SuggestMultipleColumnBuilder: Builds a column with suggest-multiple component.
  • TextareaColumnBuilder: Builds a column with textarea component.
  • TextColumnBuilder: Builds a column with text component.
  • TextViewColumnBuilder: Builds a column with text-view component.
  • TimeColumnBuilder: Builds a column with time component.
  • UploaderColumnBuilder: Builds a column with uploader component.
  • IconColumnBuilder: Builds a column with icon component.
  • ImageColumnBuilder: Builds a column with image component.
  • ProgressColumnBuilder: Builds a column with progress component.

Chart builders

There are also a list of builders for chart components:

  • AxisBuilder: Builds chart axis data.
  • ChartBuilder: Builds a chart component.
  • ChartLegendBuilder: Builds chart legend data.
  • ChartParameterBuilder: Builds chart parameter data.
  • ChartSerieBuilder: Builds chart serie data.
  • ChartTooltipBuilder: Builds chart tooltip data.