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Version: 4.8.0

Services Definition

Service operations are designed to perform specific treatments and calculations out of the AWE utilities.

Currently there are two types of services declared in the AWE Engine: Java Services and Web Services


Note: All services are defined in the Services.xml file at global folder. View project structure for more info.

Global service structure

The xml structure of services is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<services xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "">
<service id="[Service Id]">
<java classname="[Java class]" method="[Java method]">
<service-parameter type="[Type]" name="[Parameter name]" qualifier="[Bean name]" />
... (More <service_parameter>)
<service id="[Service Id]">
<microservice name="[Microservice name]" method="[REST method]" endpoint="[Service endpoint]">
<service-parameter type="[Type]" name="[Parameter name]" />
... (More <service_parameter>)
<service id="[Service Id]">
<rest method="[REST method]" endpoint="[Service endpoint]" wrapper="[REST service wrapper]">
<service-parameter type="[Type]" name="[Parameter name]" />
... (More <service_parameter>)
... (More <service>)

For easier development of services, not all elements are required.

ElementUseMultiples instancesDescription
servicesRequiredNoRoot element of services xml file
serviceRequiredYesOutlines the service. Also describes the kind of service (java service or web service)
javaOptionalNoUsed to define java services
microserviceOptionalNoUsed to define microservices
restOptionalNoUsed to define rest services
service-parameterOptionalNoUsed to pass parameters to service

Service element

Service element has the following attributes:

idRequiredStringName of serviceNote: The id must be unique
launch-phaseOptionalStringLaunch the service in some application pointsAPPLICATION_START, APPLICATION_END, CLIENT_START, CLIENT_END

Java element

Java element has the following attributes:

classnameRequiredStringClass name of java serviceEx.: classname=""
methodRequiredStringMethod name of class to be executedEx.: method="login"
qualifierOptionalStringQualifier bean name. If uses @Qualifier spring annotationEx.: qualifier="myBean"

Microservice element

Microservice element has the following attributes:

nameRequiredStringName of web serviceNote: Must be unique
methodRequiredStringREST method.GET: Send the parameters as part of the endpoint - POST**: Send the parameters in the request body
endpointRequiredStringPath to REST callEj: /data/ServiceData or /maintain/ServiceMaintain
wrapperOptionalStringClassname to wrap REST call responseEj: com.almis.awe.test.bean.Postman
content-typeOptionalStringWay to send the parametersURLENCODED (default), JSON
cacheableOptionalBooleanUsed to set service as cacheableDefault value is false

REST service element

REST service element has the following attributes:

serverOptionalStringREST server propertyUsed to retrieve the rest.server.[server] property
methodRequiredStringREST method.GET: Send the parameters as part of the endpoint - POST: Send the parameters in the request body
endpointRequiredStringPath to REST callEj: /data/ServiceData or /maintain/ServiceMaintain
wrapperOptionalStringClassname to wrap REST call responseEj: com.almis.awe.test.bean.Postman
content-typeOptionalStringWay to send the parametersURLENCODED (default), JSON
cacheableOptionalBooleanUsed to set service as cacheableDefault value is false

Service parameter element

The service parameter element are parameters passed from query or maintain to the service. Has the following attributes:

nameRequiredStringName of service parameterNote: Must be unique
typeRequiredStringType of service parameterThe possible values are: STRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, DOUBLE, OBJECT, JSON, DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP
valueOptionalStringTo set the parameter with a static value
bean-classOptionalStringManage parameter as a Java BeanType must be OBJECT or JSON

Java services

Are services to execute java code. Its xml structure is:

<service id="[service_name]">
<java classname="[service_classname]" method="[service_method]">
<service-parameter type="String" name="[parameter_name]"/>
... (more service parameters)

Java service examples

Service definition with parameters

<!-- Store a session variable -->
<service id="insertSchedulerTask">
<java classname="com.almis.awe.scheduler.controller.SchedulerController" method="insertSchedulerTask">
<service-parameter name="IdeTsk" type="INTEGER" />
<service-parameter name="SendStatus" type="INTEGER" list="true" />
<service-parameter name="SendDestination" type="INTEGER" list="true" />

Java class definition with parameters

public class SchedulerService extends ServiceConfig {
* Insert and schedule a new task
* @param taskId Task identifier
* @param sendStatus Status to send list
* @param sendDestination Destination target list
* @return ServiceData
public ServiceData insertSchedulerTask(Integer taskId, List<Integer> sendStatus, List<Integer> sendDestination) throws AWException {
// Launch function
// ...

Service definition without parameters

<!-- Get screen configuration at begining-->
<service id="LoaScrCfg" launch-phase="APPLICATION_START">
<java classname="" method="initScreenConfigurations"/>

Java class definition without parameters

public class ScreenService extends ServiceConfig {
* Initialize singleton with screens configurations info
public void initScreenConfigurations() {
// Launch function
// ...

Load beans from parameters

Here is an example to load a bean from some parameters

Example 1: Load a single bean with parameters

Query definition to load a bean parameter (each variable will field a bean attribute)

<query id="testServiceBeanParameter" service="testServiceBeanParameter">
<variable id="name" type="STRING" name="name"/>
<variable id="rotationPeriod" type="STRING" name="rotationPeriod"/>
<variable id="orbitalPeriod" type="STRING" name="orbitalPeriod"/>
<variable id="diameter" type="STRING" name="diameter"/>
<variable id="climate" type="STRING" name="climate"/>
<variable id="gravity" type="STRING" name="gravity"/>
<variable id="terrain" type="STRING" name="terrain"/>
<variable id="population" type="LONG" name="population"/>
<variable id="created" type="DATE" name="created"/>
<variable id="edited" type="DATE" name="edited"/>
<variable id="url" type="STRING" name="url"/>

Service definition with a bean parameter

<service id="testServiceBeanParameter">
<java classname="com.almis.awe.service.DummyService" method="getDummyData">
<service-parameter type="OBJECT" bean-class="com.almis.awe.test.bean.Planet"/>

Java class definition with a bean parameter

public class DummyService extends ServiceConfig {
* Retrieve dummy data
* @param planet Planet bean
* @return Service data
public ServiceData getDummyData(Planet planet) {
ServiceData serviceData = new ServiceData();
// ...
return serviceData;

Example 2: Load a list of beans with parameters

Query definition to load a bean parameter (each variable is a parameter list which will field a bean attribute)

<query id="testServiceBeanParameterList" service="testServiceBeanParameterList">
<variable id="name" type="STRING" name="name"/>
<variable id="rotationPeriod" type="STRING" name="rotationPeriod"/>
<variable id="orbitalPeriod" type="STRING" name="orbitalPeriod"/>
<variable id="diameter" type="STRING" name="diameter"/>
<variable id="climate" type="STRING" name="climate"/>
<variable id="gravity" type="STRING" name="gravity"/>
<variable id="terrain" type="STRING" name="terrain"/>
<variable id="population" type="LONG" name="population"/>
<variable id="created" type="DATE" name="created"/>
<variable id="edited" type="DATE" name="edited"/>
<variable id="url" type="STRING" name="url"/>

Service definition with a bean parameter list

<service id="testServiceBeanParameterList">
<java classname="com.almis.awe.service.DummyService" method="getDummyData">
<service-parameter type="OBJECT" bean-class="com.almis.awe.test.bean.Planet" list="true"/>

Java class definition with a bean parameter list

public class DummyService extends ServiceConfig {
* Retrieve dummy data
* @param planetList Planet bean list
* @return Service data
public ServiceData getDummyData(List<Planet> planetList) {
ServiceData serviceData = new ServiceData();
// ...
return serviceData;

Example 3: Load a json node from a grid

Query definition to load a bean parameter (each variable is a parameter list which will field a bean attribute)

<query id="testLoadJsonAddress" service="testLoadJsonAddress">
<variable id="address" type="OBJECT" name="selectedRowAddress"/>

Service definition with a Json parameter

<service id="testLoadJsonAddress">
<java classname="com.almis.awe.service.DummyService" method="getJsonAddress">
<service-parameter type="JSON"/>

Java class definition with a json parameter

public class DummyService extends ServiceConfig {
* Retrieve dummy data
* @param address Json address
* @return Service data
public ServiceData getJsonAddress(JsonNode address) {
ServiceData serviceData = new ServiceData();
// ...
return serviceData;

Example 4: Load a stored datalist from one grid row

Query definition

<query id="testLoadJsonBean" service="testLoadJsonBean">
<variable id="storedDatalist" type="OBJECT" name="storedData.selected"/>

Service definition with a Json parameter

<service id="testLoadJsonBean">
<java classname="com.almis.awe.service.DummyService" method="getJsonBean">
<service-parameter type="JSON" bean-class="com.almis.awe.model.dto.DataList"/>

Java class definition with a json parameter

public class DummyService extends ServiceConfig {
* Retrieve dummy data
* @param datalist DataList from Json
* @return Service data
public ServiceData getJsonBean(DataList datalist) {
ServiceData serviceData = new ServiceData();
// ...
return serviceData;

How to set parameter values from Java

There is the procedure to set set query and maintain variable values in Java.

Java Service

public class UserService extends ServiceConfig {

* Get user information
* @param id User id
* @return ServiceData
private ServiceData getUserData(String id) throws AWException {
DataList userData = null;
ServiceData srvDat = null;

getRequest().setParameter("opeId", id);
return getBean(QueryService.class).launchQuery("getUserData");

Query definition

<query id="getUserData">
<table id="ope" alias="o" />
<field id="l1_nom" alias="nom" table="o" />
<field id="l1_lan" alias="lan" table="o" />
<field id="EmlSrv" alias="eml" table="o" />
<field id="OpeNam" alias="nam" table="o" />
<filter field="IdeOpe" table="o" condition="=" variable="OpeId">
<variable id="OpeId" type="STRING" name="opeId" />

Note: This method of setting values of query and maintain variables is not recommended. It only has to be used in exceptional cases.


Microservices are connectors to REST-defined services. Its xml structure is:

<service id="[service_name]">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/[data/maintain]/[service-name]/{param1}">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>

Microservice examples

<service id="BocNum">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/data/BilGetBoc">
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="ent" />
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="suc" />
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="sns" />
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="cap" />
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="prd" />
<service id="BilCtlCrr">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/maintain/BilCtlCrr">
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="Ent" />
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="Liq" />
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="Crr" />

Note: attributes are optional. name attribute is used to allow overwrite microservice name and set auth configuration.

You can define specific microservice parameters to be sent in all requests:

# Microservice properties
# Microservice parameters[0].name=database[0].value=_database_[0].type=variable[1].name=username[1].value=user[1].type=session[2].name=currentDate[2].value=currentDate[2].type=request[3].name=numPar[3].value=3

REST services

REST services are very useful to connect to REST API's. Their xml structure is:

<service id="[service_name]">
<rest server="server" method="GET" endpoint="/[data/maintain]/[service-name]/{param1}" wrapper="com.almis.test.ServiceDataWrapper" content-type="URLENCODED">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>

Note: server and wrapper attributes are optional. server attribute is used to retrieve the rest.server.[server] property, which is appended to the endpoint defined url. wrapper attribute defines a class name which will be used to manage the REST call response and translate it into a ServiceData class, suitable for AWE.

Rest server configuration example:

REST services examples

  • Call to a local URL with GET method without parameters
<service id="testSimpleRestGet">
<rest method="GET" endpoint="http://localhost:18089/testapi/simple"/>
  • Call to a local URL with POST method without parameters
<service id="testSimpleRestPost">
<rest method="POST" endpoint="http://localhost:18089/testapi/simple"/>
  • Call to a local URL with GET method without parameters
<service id="testComplexRestGet">
<rest method="GET" endpoint="http://localhost:18089/testapi/complex/QtyTst"/>
  • Call to a local URL with POST method without parameters
<service id="testComplexRestPost">
<rest method="POST" endpoint="http://localhost:18089/testapi/complex/testInclude"/>
  • Call to a local URL with GET method with url parameters
<service id="testComplexRestGetParameters">
<rest server="local" method="GET" endpoint="/testapi/complex/QtyTst{name}/{value}">
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="name" />
<service-parameter type="STRING" name="value" />
  • Call to a local URL with POST method with url encoded parameters (default)
<service id="testComplexRestPostParameters">
<rest method="POST" endpoint="http://localhost:18089/testapi/complex/parameters/testRestParameters">
<service-parameter type="INTEGER" name="value" />
  • Call to a local URL with POST method with json encoded parameters
<service id="testComplexRestPostParametersJson">
<rest server="local" method="POST" endpoint="/testapi/complex/parameters/json/testRestParameters" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter type="INTEGER" name="value" />
  • Call to a external URL with GET method without parameters and a wrapper
<service id="testExternalRest">
<rest server="islandia" method="GET" endpoint="/concerts" wrapper="com.almis.awe.test.bean.Concerts"/>
  • Call to a external URL with GET method without parameters and a wrapper
<service id="testPostman">
<rest server="postman" method="GET" endpoint="/gzip" wrapper="com.almis.awe.test.bean.Postman"/>