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AWE security

Autenticación y autorización

Awe te permite elegir qué sistema de autenticación y autorización quieres usar, en lugar de definir uno específico. Awe is fully compatible with the most used security solutions in the Spring Boot ecosystem like In memory, Database, LDAP, OAuth, Oauth2, ...

You can visit this for more info.:::

Spring Security en Awe

Awe proporciona beans de configuración para gestionar la seguridad en su aplicación. Puede usarlos o sobrescribirlos y crear su método de autenticación personalizado. The security configuration is in SecurityConfig and AWEScreenSecurityAdapter classes and select the authentication method that you want.

Configuration properties
# Authentication
# Authentication mode (ldap | bbdd | in_memory | custom)

# Custom authentication
#Provider class beans, separated by comma for multiple providers.

You can always create your own Http web security config class extending WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.

Custom Http security configuration
public class CustomSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

* Spring security configuration
* @param http Http security object
* @throws Exception Configure error
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Your custom configuration

Autenticación de dos factores (2FA)

We've recently developed a new two-factor authentication system based on authentication apps such as Google Authenticator.

There are three ways to manage this two-factor authentication in AWE based on the property:

  • disabled: Two-factor authentication is disabled and it won't ask for a temporal code on access.
  • optional: The user can enable two-factor authentication on the settings screen and temporal code will be asked on login.
Settings screen
Pantalla de configuración de seguridad
TOTP Code screen
Pantalla de código TOTP
  • force: On login, if user has not enabled two-factor authentication, a screen will raise with the QR code to force the user to enable two-factor authentication. Después de esa pantalla, se pedirá al usuario el código temporal basado en el código secreto previamente generado.
Force two-factor authentication screen
Pantalla de seguridad de dos factores forzada