v4.0 Migration Guide
Application Structure
- Change project structure to a Spring project structure:
[application-name] -> Project files (pom.xml, package.json...)
main >
java -> ApplicationBoot + Java classes
* **resources** -> Properties
application/[application-name] -> XML files
* config -> AWE Properties overwritten
* js -> Javascript files
* css -> CSS files
* less -> LESS files
* schemas -> XSD Schemas
* static -> Images/Fonts
* webpack -> Webpack configuration
* sql -> SQL Initialization files
- test
java -> JUnit Tests
* *resources* -> Test properties
* *selenium* -> Selenium suites
- Change POM file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<name>[Project name]</name>
<description>[Project description]</description>
<!-- AWE -->
<!-- JDBC Drivers (ADD ONLY WHAT YOU NEED) -->
<!-- ORACLE -->
<!-- SQL SERVER -->
<!-- HSQL -->
<!-- Copy static files -->
<id>unpack awe-generic-screens</id>
<id>unpack awe-client-angular</id>
<!-- Copy images -->
<!-- Spring boot -->
<!-- Frontend generation -->
<id>install node and yarn</id>
<id>yarn install</id>
<arguments>--output-path "${project.build.frontend}"</arguments>
<!-- Xml validation -->
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->
Javascript & CSS generation
- Define a webpack file to generate custom javascript and css
XML files
Regular expressions
- Dependency
is not needed anymore. Just add your dependency actions and they will be launched on valid conditions. source-type="none"
attributes are default values, so you don't need to set them.- Remove
- Dependency
^(.*)source\-type\s*=\s*["']action["']\s*(\S+.*)$ => $1$2
^(.*)source\-type\s*=\s*["']none["']\s*(\S+.*)$ => $1$2
^(.*)target\-type\s*=\s*["']none["']\s*(\S+.*)$ => $1$2
means that you must search forXXXX
expression and replace withYYYY
Direct replacement:
- Fix dependency conditions:
condition="lte" => condition="le"
condition="gte" => condition="ge"
- Grid pagination to grid managed pagination:
pagination="true" => managed-pagination="true"
action tocontrol-unique-cancel
control-empty-cancel => control-unique-cancel
Query & Maintain
Regular expressions
- Fix query and maintain filters:
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)value(.*/>.*)$ => $1left-variable$2 -> Replace by left-variable and add the variable name
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)variable(.*/>.*)$ => $1right-variable$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)counterfield(.*/>.*)$ => $1right-field$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)countertable(.*/>.*)$ => $1right-table$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)field(.*/>.*)$ => $1left-field$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)table(.*/>.*)$ => $1left-table$2
^(\s*<)field(.*\s+value.*/>.*)$ => $1constant$2
Direct replacement:
- Fix query conditions:
condition="=" => condition="eq"
condition="!=" => condition="ne"
condition="LIKE" => condition="like"
condition="NOT LIKE" => condition="not like"
condition=">" => condition="gt"
condition=">=" => condition="ge"
condition="<" => condition="lt"
condition="<=" => condition="le"
condition="IS NULL" => condition="is null"
condition="IS NOT NULL" => condition="is not null"
condition="IN" => condition="in"
condition="NOT IN" => condition="not in"
- Variable identifiers can't be used in field aliases.
- CASE and CONCAT definitions must be defined now with the new AWE
tags. See more at Query Definitions. - Static values must be defined as
tags - AWE now offers more flexibility generating queries and filters:
<query id="testRowNumber">
<table id="ope"/>
<field id="l1_nom" alias="name"/>
<over alias="rowNumber">
<field function="ROW_NUMBER"/>
<order-by field="l1_nom" type="ASC"/>
<query id="testCoalesce">
<table id="ope"/>
<field id="l1_nom" alias="name"/>
<operation operator="COALESCE" alias="nameNotNull">
<field id="l1_trt"/>
<constant type="NULL"/>
<field id="l1_nom"/>
<filter condition="eq" ignorecase="true">
<field id="l1_nom"/>
<constant value="test"/>
<order-by field="l1_nom" type="ASC"/>
<query id="testCaseWhenElse">
<table id="AweThm"/>
<case alias="value">
<when left-field="Nam" condition="eq" right-variable="sunset">
<constant value="1" type="INTEGER"/>
<when left-field="Nam" condition="eq" right-variable="sunny">
<constant value="2" type="INTEGER"/>
<when left-field="Nam" condition="eq" right-variable="purple-hills">
<constant value="3" type="INTEGER"/>
<constant value="0" type="INTEGER"/>
<case alias="label">
<when condition="eq">
<field id="Nam"/>
<constant value="sunset"/>
<constant value="SUNSET"/>
<when condition="eq">
<field id="Nam"/>
<constant value="sunny"/>
<constant value="SUNNY"/>
<when condition="eq">
<field id="Nam"/>
<constant value="purple-hills"/>
<constant value="PURPLE-HILLS"/>
<constant value="other"/>
<order-by field="Nam" type="ASC" nulls="FIRST"/>
<query id="TestFieldDateFunctions">
<table id="ope" alias="awe"/>
<field id="dat_mod" table="awe" alias="year" function="YEAR"/>
<field id="dat_mod" table="awe" alias="month" function="MONTH"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="day" function="DAY"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="hour" function="HOUR"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="minute" function="MINUTE"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="second" function="SECOND"/>
<filter left-field="l1_nom" condition="eq" ignorecase="true">
<constant value="test"/>
<order-by field="dat_mod" table="awe" function="YEAR"/>
- Web services calls have been changed to microservices calls:
<service id="simpleGETMicroservice">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON"/>
<service id="simpleGETMicroservice2">
<microservice name="alu-microservice2" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON"/>
<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithWrapper">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke"
wrapper="com.almis.awe.service.dto.ServiceDataWrapper" content-type="JSON"/>
<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithParameter">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithWildcard">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke/{param1}" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithWildcardAndParameter">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke/{param1}" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter name="param2" type="STRING"/>
<service id="simplePOSTMicroserviceWithParameters">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter name="param2" type="STRING"/>
<service id="simplePUTMicroserviceWithParameters">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="PUT" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter name="param2" type="STRING"/>
<service id="simpleDELETEMicroserviceWithWildcard">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="DELETE" endpoint="/invoke/{param1}" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
- Rename Local-XX.xml files to Locale-XX.xml
- Direct replacement:
<locals => <locales
</locals> => </locales>
<local => <locale
</local> => </locale>
Encode again the properties encoded with ENC(xxxx)
at the Encrypt util screen.
Java files
Package refactorization
- Direct replacement:
- Packages
com.almis.awe.core.services.data.global.XMLWrapper => com.almis.awe.model.entities.XMLFile
com.almis.awe.core.services.data.global.XMLElement => com.almis.awe.model.entities.XMLFile
com.almis.awe.core.services.data.service.ServiceData => com.almis.awe.model.dto.ServiceData
com.almis.awe.core.services.controller.DataController => com.almis.awe.service.QueryService
com.almis.awe.core.services.controller.MaintainController => com.almis.awe.service.MaintainService
com.almis.awe.core.util.DateUtil => com.almis.awe.model.util.data.DateUtil
com.almis.awe.core.beans.ComponentAddress => com.almis.awe.model.entities.actions.ComponentAddress
com.almis.awe.core.services.data.action.ClientAction => com.almis.awe.model.entities.actions.ClientAction
com.almis.awe.dto => com.almis.awe.model.dto
com.almis.awe.core.services.data.global => com.almis.awe.model.dto
com.almis.awe.type => com.almis.awe.model.type
com.almis.awe.core.services.data.query => com.almis.awe.model.entities.queries
com.almis.awe.core.services.data.maintain => com.almis.awe.model.entities.maintain
com.almis.awe.core.exception => com.almis.awe.exception
XMLElement => XMLWrapper
AWEConstants => AweConstants
AweConstants.PARAMETER_MAX => AweConstants.COMPONENT_MAX
- Logging
- Remove com.almis.awe.core.util.LogUtil
- Import
- Create a static logger field:
// Logger
private static Logger logger=LogManager.getLogger(MyClass.class);
- Use static logger. For example:
logger.log(Level.INFO,"[{}] No books defined for this treatment",treatment.getID());
- Alternate logger: Lombok
annotation on top of the class:@Slf4j
public MyClass{
2. Use lombok logger:
log.error("My error message {}",moreInformationInVariables,exception);
AWE packages
- There are two main packages in AWE 4.0:
.- awe-spring-boot-starter is the core package of AWE. AWE based web applications must import this package.
- To call AWE services, autowire services from
(No more Controller calls)
- To call AWE services, autowire services from
- awe-model is the interface package of AWE. AWE related applications (communication modules, microservices, etc) can import this package to gain access to interface classes.
- awe-spring-boot-starter is the core package of AWE. AWE based web applications must import this package.
Java services must be migrated to Spring architecture
- Remove all controllers if they don't do anything
- Class structure in AWE has been changed radically. Check your Java imports
- Move
package toservice
package - Rename all XxxManager.java classes to XxxService.java classes
- Add
annotation to XxxService.java classes - Use Spring methodology (
to retrieve properties, etc) - Extend all XxxService classes from
if they are using:com.almis.awe.core.singleton.LocalSingleton
=> Extend fromcom.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig
and callgetLocale
=> Extend fromcom.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig
and callgetProperty
methods (And best of all use@Value
instead ofgetProperty
=> Extend fromcom.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig
and callgetSession
=> Extend fromcom.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig
and callgetRequest
to retrieve request parameters- Remove also ContextUtil.getContext() access
- Use also
to retrieve the action target called. - More information on Locale retrieval, Property retrieval , Session retrieval and Request retrieval.
- Adapt custom authentication if overwritten in application
- Use
instead ofDataController
. AlllaunchQuery
methods now returnServiceData
beans instead ofDataList
. You can retrieve theDataList
method. - Use
instead ofMaintainController
Locale retrieval
- Extending from
you get access togetLocale
- You can pass variables to replace on locale simply by adding them as arguments:
Property retrieval
- Extending from
you get access togetProperty
- Anyway it's more legible and faster to retrieve properties the Spring way:
private Integer suggestTime;
Session retrieval
- Extending from
you get access togetSession
Request retrieval
- Extending from
you get access togetRequest
methods instead of retrieving them fromContext
- You can also add some variables to the request:
Datalist type
- DataList
method has changed its' signature fromArrayList<HashMap<String, CellData>>
to a more generic signature:List<Map<String, CellData>>
- Use copy constructor instead of Cloneable interface:
public class MyClass implements Copyable<MyClass> {
private String myProp1;
private String myProp2;
* Default constructor
public MyClass() {
* Copy constructor
public MyClass(MyClass other) {
this.myProp1 = other.myProp1;
this.myProp2 = other.myProp2;
* Copy method
* @return Copy of this object
public MyClass copy() {
return new MyClass(this);
or use Lombok:
@Builder(toBuilder = true)
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class MyClass {
private String myProp1;
private String myProp2;
... and clone it with the builder:
MyClass myNewClass=myOldClass.toBuilder().build();
- Remove from beans all methods which uses any external class. A bean only should have methods which interact over their own fields.
client action now has only one parameter: datalist
, which will contain the full DataList:
serviceData.addClientAction(new ClientAction("fill")
... but it's simpler to use the new ClientAction builders:
serviceData.addClientAction(new FillActionBuilder(address,datalist).setAsync(true).build());
bean has now a new implementation:
Use FileUtil.fileDataToString
to generate a token:
public String fileDataToString(FileData fileData)
Use FileUtil.stringToFileData
to retrieve a FileData bean from a token:
public FileData stringToFileData(String fileStringEncoded)
Note: FileUtil is an autowireable @Component
Web services ↪️ Microservices
- Adapt web service interface as microservice
Awe has a new service connector layer to make requests to microservices
and rest
services. See services doc.
, you have to take into account the following points: :::Parameter sending:
Maintains: The attribute name of
has to be the same as the attributeid
field of serve elements.maintains.xml<target name="MyMaintain">
<serve service="MyService">
<variable id="id1" type="STRING" name="criterion1.selected"/>
<variable id="id2" type="STRING" name="criterion2.selected"/>
<variable id="id3" type="STRING" name="criterion3.selected"/>
</target>global/Services.xml<service id="CtrEvnDetIsuCnfSer">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/maintain/myMicroservice" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="id1" type="STRING" list="true"/>
<service-parameter name="id2" type="STRING" list="true"/>
<service-parameter name="id3" type="STRING" list="true"/>
</service>webservice/services.xml<service name="myMicroService" type="MAINTAION" call="myWebService">
<param list="false" name="id1" type="STRING"/>
<param list="false" name="id2" type="STRING"/>
<param list="false" name="id3" type="STRING"/>
</service>Queries: The attribute name of
has to be the same as the attributeid
of queryfield
. Usually, you have to add alias field with the name to describe that field.queries.xml<query id="MyQuery" service="MyService">
<field id="id1" alias="alias1"/>
<field id="id2" alias="alias2"/>
<field id="id3" alias="alias3"/>
</query>global/services.xml<service id="MyService">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/data/myMicroService" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter list="false" name="id1" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter list="false" name="id2" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter list="false" name="id3" type="DATE"/>
</service>webservice/services.xml<service name="myMicroService" type="DATA" call="myWebService">
<param list="false" name="id1" type="STRING"/>
<param list="false" name="id2" type="STRING"/>
<param list="false" name="id3" type="DATE"/>
</service>The number of
must be equal toparam
of service element (webservice).The order of