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Version: 4.8.0

Context menu

Awe engine allows define context menu inside a grid, criterias or charts. With these menus, you can add functionality to your window.


Xml structure

The xml structure of context menus is the following:

<context-button id="[Id]" label="[label]" icon=[icon]">
<context-button id="[Id]" label="[label]" icon=[icon]>
<button-action type="[action-type]" target="[target]" silent="[silent]" />
<context-button id="[Id]" label="[label]" icon=[icon]>
<button-action type="[action-type]" target="[target]" silent="[silent]" />
<context-button id="[Id]" label="[label]" icon=[icon]>
<button-action type="[action-type]" target="[target]" silent="[silent]" />
... more button actions
.. more context-button
.. more context-separator
.. more context-button
.. more context-separator

Context menu elements

ElementUseMultiples instancesDescription
context-buttonRequiredYesContext button element of the menu. Defines one element of the context menu
button-actionRequiredYesAction of the context button. You can define a list of button actions
context-separatorOptionalYesSeparator line of context button list
dependencyOptionalYesList of dependencies attached to the button

Context button attributes

idStringRequiredContext button identifier
labelStringRequiredLabel of the context button.Note: You can use i18n files (locales)
iconStringOptionalIcon name of the context buttonNote: You can check all iconsets at icons screen

Note: The context button has the same attributes as button element. You can see more info here

Button action attributes

Note: You can see all attributes of button-action here

Context separator attributes

nameStringOptionalContext separator identifier


  • Context menu inside a grid
<grid id="GrdSta" style="expand" initial-load="query" server-action="data" target-action="QryUniTst" max="30">
<column label="PARAMETER_TEXT" name="Als" sort-field="Als" align="left" charlength="20" style="separator" />
<group-header name="GrpHeaCol" label="PARAMETER_TEXT">
<column label="PARAMETER_TEXT" name="Des" sort-field="Des" align="left" charlength="40" />
<column label="PARAMETER_TEXT" name="Prg" sort-field="Prg" align="center" charlength="40"
component="progress" value="50" server-action="data" target-action="QryChkPrg" />
<context-button id="CtxGrdStaAdd" label="BUTTON_NEW" icon="plus-circle" >
<button-action type="screen" target="matrix_test" />
<dependency target-type="show" initial="true">
<dependency-element id="GrdSta" column="Als" attribute="selectedRowValue" condition="!=" value="awemadora02" />
<dependency-element id="GrdSta" event="select-row" />
<context-button id="CtxGrdStaDel" label="BUTTON_DELETE" icon="trash">
<button-action type="screen" target="matrix_test" />
<dependency target-type="show" initial="true">
<dependency-element id="GrdSta" column="Als" attribute="selectedRowValue" condition="==" value="awemadora02" />
<dependency-element id="GrdSta" event="select-row" />