Default screens
AWE has some pre-designed common screens which are very useful for a first version of an application. This way you have already implemented user and profile management, some useful themes to customize the application, security management like screen access and screen configuration, and some higher level management like database, module and site configuration.
AWE also can visualize an auto-generated help screen based on the screen definition and some extra help
and help-image
attributes. This help screen can be generated by screen or there is also an application help screen
which has documentation about the full application (based on the menu).
User screen allows you to define, update or delete the users who can access the application and their default options, like language, mail server, default theme and initial screen.

In profiles screen you can manage new profiles to group users in security categories, like administrators, regular users or special users.

Themes screen allows you to define new CSS themes for the application. In this screen you can only define the theme name, but you also need to generate the new CSS theme files in your application.

Now you can update the defined color schema for each theme on the Theme customization
Simply select a theme on the Themes
screen and click on the Customize

You will be redirected to the Theme customization
screen where you can change a set of properties (mostly colors) to
customize the theme properties and adapt it to your needing:

When a property has changed, a save
button will appear to store the modified value and show a preview of the theme on
the right panel.

Each theme has two modes, light
and dark
, which will be switched with the mode button on the navigation bar.
The navigation bar buttons are defined on the info-buttons.xml
Here you have the themeModeSelector
and the themeSelector
This option is a high level option which allow you to separate application logic in sites, each one with its own database (or set of databases). Here you can define sites and the relationship between them and the databases they manage. You can also define the modules which can site can use.
A module is a special set of options defined on the menu which can be used to separate functionalities inside an application. A user can only have an active module at a time, so when the module is changed, menu options will be refreshed with common and module options.
This screen allows to define the selectable modules, based on the ones which are defined on the menu. Here you can also define the relationship between modules and profiles, users or sites (and databases).
In databases option you can manage a set of connections to datasources of any supported database types, like Oracle, SQL Server, H2, etc.
Inside a database management screen you can set the site/module configuration for each one.
Mail servers
Mail server option contains a set of external mail servers used to send e-mail in some parts of the application, like print screens and scheduler reports.
Message queues
This option can define a list of message queues to be used as external communication with AWE applications. Each entry contains a broker queue definition which can be used by the Queues.xml file.
The sequences screen contains a list of identifiers and sequence values which awe uses in maintain files. These sequences are used as if they were autonumeric fields, very useful for old database models without autonumeric fields.
Application parameters
The application parameters screen defines a sort of extra application properties which can override the ones defined
file. This is an extra layer to improve application customization.
This screen is simply a way to send messages to all connected users inside the application, or a specific message to a single user.
It will appear as a message in the top side of the screen.
The log screen contains access to all the application logs. This will be deprecated soon in order to give way to new observability stack in a distributed architecture.
Screen access
Screen access contains a list of option restrictions which can be defined to all application users, to a specific profile or even to a specific user.
You can search a specific restriction with the upper criteria, or update
Menu access
This is a new screen designed to improve the usability of menu option restriction.
In this screen you have a menu tree and three criteria: User
, Profile
and Module
The tree below is based in the selections you have picked in the criteria: for example, the initial tree shows the
restriction menu for all users and all profiles, for the options which doesn't belong to any module.
When you select a module in the criteria, the tree below will show all the menu options for this module, including the options which doesn't have module defined.
If you pick a profile in the Profile
criterion, the tree will show the restrictions for this profile (and in the
column you will see the general restrictions for all users and profiles for each option).
Picking a user in the User
criterion will make the tree to show the restrictions for the user. The access
will show the specific restrictions for the user profile in each option.

To change the restrictions for any option, you can do it by selecting the option and doing right-click on it. It will show a context-menu with the restriction options (allow, restrict or remove restriction in case of defined). You can also select the option and click on the buttons below the tree to change a restriction value.
Encrypt util
This option is very useful to generate encrypted values or properties. Simply put on the text you want to encrypt
on the Text
criterion and push the Encrypt
button. You will have filled the Encrypted
text with the
text you need to add in database encrypted columns and the Encrypted property
which is the encrypted text to be used
file values.

Screen configuration
This screen allows to change the functionality of the screen defined in XML file. The new functionality is stored in the database, and it can be restricted by user or profile. To change a screen element you only have to define the screen, the element to be restricted/modified and the attribute with the new values.
If we have a criteria that will be required validation="required"
<criteria id="CrtSit" label="PARAMETER_NAME" component="suggest" server-action="data" target-action="SitSug" style="col-xs-7 col-sm-6 col-lg-3" validation="required"/>
And we want to be not required, put the new configuration like in the picture below:

How to use it:
If you want to access and use this screen, put the next option in your private.xml
or public.xml
<option name="screen_configuration" label="MENU_TOOLS_SCR_CNF" screen="ScrCnf" icon="laptop" />
User manual
This option allows the user to access a PDF file defined on the application, as a user manual. This PDF file can be defined in some languages
Application help