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Version: 4.10.0

Selenium Tests

This document gives a basic insight on how to start developing Selenium tests for applications developed with AWE. Before starting test development, make sure to read the Selenium Test Development Guide, specially the Optimization/Help tips section. Basic aspects you should know before starting to develop Selenium tests, such as general configurations and integration with Jenkins, are not treated in this document.

All the contents of this document are explained in a way that it is assumed the reader already knows how to use the tools and commands concerning Selenium.


It is very important to comment all the tests. Each block of commands that is related to the interaction of a component MUST start with a comment that indicates what the test is trying to do.

Basic instructions

Currently our selenium tests definition are based on Java WebDrivers. These drivers allow the developer to launch a defined browser and actions over it to test the user interface.

To develop integration tests with WebDrivers on AWE, just follow the next steps:

  • Import awe-testing package on your pom dependencies:

    <!-- Test dependencies -->
  • Define integration tests on pom:

    <!-- Spring boot -->
  • Define failsafe maven plugin to launch IT (integration) tests:

    <!-- Failsafe -->
  • And it's Done! Just launch it with maven:

    mvn verify

Test definition

To generate a selenium test just extend the SeleniumUtilities class on your integration test classes (XxxxxXxxIT.class):

public class WebsocketTestsIT extends SeleniumUtilities {

* Log into the application
* @throws Exception
public void t000_loginTest() throws Exception {
checkLogin("test", "test", "span.avatar-text", "Manager (test)");

* Log out from the application
* @throws Exception
public void t999_logoutTest() throws Exception {
checkLogout(".slogan", "Almis Web Engine");

* Tests something
* @throws Exception Error on test
public void t001_myFirstTest() throws Exception {
// Title
setTestTitle("My first test");

// Test things
// ...

Set test title

Every test should start with a title, just to find where the test starts in the log file:

// Test title
setTestTitle("My first test");

Log in and log out

We've created two methods to simplify the login and logout actions:

To login the application just call to checkLogin method with the following parameters:

  • user - Username

  • password - Password

  • cssSelector - CSS selector to find a text once logged into the application

  • text - Text to find inside the selector node

    // Title
    checkLogin("test", "test", "span.avatar-text", "Manager (test)");

    To logout the application just call to checkLogout method with the following parameters:

  • cssSelector - CSS selector to find a text on the signin screen

  • text - Text to find inside the selector node

    // Title
    checkLogout(".slogan", "Almis Web Engine");

Go to a new page

To go to a new page, you need to call the gotoScreen method with a list of option names corresponding to the menu options you need to click to go to the selected screen. i.e. To go to the sites screen you need to click first on the tools menu option:

// Go to sites screen
gotoScreen("tools", "sites");

Click on a button

To click on a button just call the clickButton method with the button name as parameter:

// Click "ButSnd" button

If the button makes a new screen to load, you can tell the method to wait after the button call:

// Click "ButNew" button and wait the screen to load
clickButton("ButNew", true);

If the button is a search button, you can call the searchAndWait method to wait the grid to load (if the button is named ButSch):

// Search and wait

If the button name is another one, just set it as first argument:

// Search and wait

Wait for a grid to load

To wait a grid to load, call the waitForLoadingGrid method:

// Wait a grid to load

Accept a confirm dialog

To confirm a dialog just call the acceptConfirm method:

// Confirm a dialog

Check and close a message

When the application returns a message, you can verify and close it with the checkAndCloseMessage method:

// Accept message

Where messageType depends on the message you want to verify. You have the following message types:

  • success - green message, when all is ok.
  • warning - yellow message, there is a warning.
  • info - blue message, a notification to the user.
  • danger - red message, the application has failed somehow.

Combo: Click button, accept confirm dialog and close message

There are operations which are usually launched together. The combination of clicking a button (confirmation button), accepting a dialog and closing a success message is one of them. We've created a functionality to do all these actions in one simple method:

// Store and confirm
  • Clicks on "ButCnf" button (or defined one)
  • Clicks on accept confirm dialog
  • Waits for a success message and closes it


The following points describe how to fill the different type of criteria available in AWE screens:

Input and Textarea

Simply call writeText method with the following parameters:

  • criterionId - Criterion identifier
  • text - Text to write
// Insert text
writeText("criterionId", "textToWrite");


Pick a specific date in the datepicker

Call selectDate method with the following parameters:

  • criterionId - Date criterion identifier
  • date - Date to select
// Select a date
selectDate("Cal", "23/10/1978");

Pick a day from the current month

Call selectDay method with the following parameters:

  • criterionId - Date criterion identifier
  • day - Day to select
// Select a day in current month
selectDay("Cal", 23);

Pick a month in the month-selector

Call selectMonth method with the following parameters:

  • criterionId - Date criterion identifier
  • month - Month to select
// Select a month in the month selector
selectMonth("Cal", 23);

Pick a year in the year-selector

Call selectYear method with the following parameters:

  • criterionId - Date criterion identifier
  • year - Year to select
// Select a year in the year selector
selectYear("Cal", 2019);


Same way as input and textarea:

// Write hour
writeText("Tim", "12:23:41");


To pick a result on a select criterion, call the selectContain method:

  • criterionId - Criterion identifier
  • text - Text to search on the result list
// Select on selector
selectContain("Sta", "Yes");


To use a suggest criterion, call the suggest method:

  • criterionId - Criterion identifier
  • text to suggest - Text to search for
  • result label - Text to search on the result list
// Suggest on selector
suggest("Pro", "TS1", "TS1");

Multiple select and suggest

These two criteria can be tested the same way with the suggestMultiple criterion:

  • criterionId - Criterion identifier
  • text to suggest - Text to search for
  • result label - Text to search on the result list
// Suggest
suggestMultiple("CrtOpc", "application-info", "application-info");


Check active tab

To check if a tab is active, call the checkText method:

  • cssSelector - Selector to find the text node to check
  • text - Text to check
// Check if tab is active
checkText("[criterion-id='" + tabId + "'] a", "Tab text");

Click on a tab

To click on a tab you can call the clickTab method:

  • tabId - Tab identifier
  • tabOption - Tab option label (locale)
// Click on tab

Checkbox and radio button

Click on a checkbox or a radio button the same way with the clickCheckbox method:

  • checkboxRadioId - Criterion identifier
// Click checkbox or radio button

Text view

To check if a text view component contains a text it depends on the text-view structure:

  • cssSelector - Selector to find the text node to check
  • text - Text to check
// Check visibility and contents
checkVisibleAndContains("[awe-tag-list='" + textViewId + "'] span", textToCheck);

Verify criteria values

Text criteria

To verify text criteria contents, use the checkCriterionContents method:

  • criterionId - Criterion identifier
  • text - Text to match
// Check criterion
checkCriterionContents("Nam", "Inf Changed");

Select and suggest criteria

To verify select and suggest criteria contents, use the checkSelectorContents method:

  • criterionId - Criterion identifier
  • text - Text to match
// Check criterion
checkSelectContents("Scr", "Usr");

Grid cells

Input and textarea column

Simply call writeText method with the following parameters:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • text - Text to write
// Write on text
writeText("GrdMuo", "Des2", "asdasda");

Date column

Pick a specific date in the datepicker in a column

To pick a date on a grid row, call the selectDate method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • date - Date to pick
// Click on date
selectDate("GrdEdi", "Dat", "23/10/1978");

Pick a day from the current month in a column

Call selectDay method with the following parameters:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • day - Day to select
// Select a day in current month
selectDay("GrdEdi", "Dat", 23);

Time column

Same way as input and textarea column:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • time - Time to select
// Write hour
writeText("gridId", "timeColumn", "12:23:41");

Select column

To pick a result on a select criterion, call the selectContain method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • text - Text to search on the result list
// Select text
selectContain("GrdScrCnf", "Act", "Yes");

Suggest column

To use a suggest criterion, call the suggest method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • text to suggest - Text to search for
  • result label - Text to search on the result list
// Search for text
suggest("GrdScrCnf", "Atr", "visible", "Visible");

Multiple select and suggest in a column

These two criteria can be tested the same way with the suggestMultiple criterion:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • text to suggest - Text to search for
  • result label - Text to search on the result list
// Suggest
suggestMultiple("gridId", "columnId", "application-info", "application-info");

Checkbox column

Click on a checkbox or a radio button the same way with the clickCheckbox method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
// Click checkbox on a grid
clickCheckbox("gridId", "columnId");

Save button

To click on a grid save button, call the saveRow method.

// Save line

If there are some grids in the screen, you need to add the grid identifier to the method:

// Save line

Check a row value

To check if there are some specific texts inside a grid, call the checkRowContents method:

// Check row contents
checkRowContents("test", "ADM", "Site changed");

You can add as many texts as you want to check.

If you want to check the contents of a specific cell, you can call the checkCellContents method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • rowId - Row identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  • text - Text to match
// Check date on second row
checkCellContents("GrdEdi", "2", "Dat", date);

Click on a row

To click on a row with a defined text, call the clickRowContents method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • text - Text to match
// Click on grid
clickRowContents("GrdEdi", "asphalt");

Or if you want to click on a specific cell, you can call the clickCell method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • rowId - Row identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
  // Click on a cell
clickCell("GrdMuo", "1", "Des2");

Expand or collapse a row

To expand or collapse a treegrid row, we've defined the clickTreeButton method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • rowId - Row identifier
// Click on button
clickTreeButton("TreGrdLoaEdi", "Prooperator");

Context menu on a row

To open a context menu on a grid row, just call the contextMenu method:

  • gridId - Grid identifier
  • rowId - Row identifier
  • columnId - Column identifier
// Context menu
contextMenu("TreGrdLoaEdi", "Progeneral-ModBase", "TreGrdLoaEdi_Nam");

Context menu option

You can click on a context menu option with the clickContextButton option.

  • menuOptions - Options to click (ordered) in the context menu
// Select context menu option
clickContextButton("CtxTreGrdLoaEdiAddSel", "CtxTreGrdLoaEdiAddChl");


Add a new site

* Add a new site
* @throws Exception
public void t001_newSite() throws Exception {
// Title
setTestTitle("Add a new site");

// Go to screen
gotoScreen("tools", "sites");

// Click on new button
clickButton("ButNew", true);

// Wait for button

// Write on criterion
writeText("Nam", "Site test");

// Select last element

// Write on criterion
writeText("Ord", "3");

// Click on button

// Suggest on column selector
suggest("SitModDbsLst", "IdeMod", "Base", "Base");

// Suggest on column selector
suggest("SitModDbsLst", "IdeDbs", "awedb", "awedb");

// Write on criterion
writeText("SitModDbsLst", "Order", "3");

// Save line

// Check row values
checkRowContents("Base", "awedb", "3");

// Store and confirm

// Wait for button

// Suggest on column selector
suggest("CrtSit", "Site test", "Site test");

// Search on grid

// Click row
clickRowContents("Site test");

// Click on button
clickButton("ButViw", true);

// Wait for button

// Check row contents
checkRowContents("Base", "awedb");

Delete a module

* Delete a module
* @throws Exception
public void t056_deleteModule() throws Exception {
// Title
setTestTitle("Delete a module");

// Go to screen
gotoScreen("tools", "modules");

// Wait for button

// Suggest on column selector
suggest("CrtMod", "Inf", "Inf");

// Search on grid

// Click row

// Store and confirm

// Wait for button

// Search on grid

// Click row

Update a database

* Update a database connection
* @throws Exception
public void t033_updateDatabase() throws Exception {
// Title
setTestTitle("Update a database connection");

// Go to screen
gotoScreen("tools", "databases");

// Wait for button

// Suggest on column selector
suggest("CrtAls", "DBSTest", "DBSTest");

// Search on grid

// Click row

// Click on button
clickButton("ButUpd", true);

// Wait for button

// Insert text
writeText("Als", "DBSTest Changed");

// Select on selector
selectContain("Dct", "Jdbc");

// Insert text
writeText("Dbc", "Test");

// Insert text
writeText("Des", "This is a database connection update test case");

// Click on row
clickRowContents("Site changed");

// Suggest on column selector
suggest("SitModDbsLst", "IdeMod", "Test", "Test");

// Save line

// Check row

// Store and confirm

// Wait for button

// Suggest on column selector
suggest("CrtAls", "DBSTest Changed", "DBSTest Changed");

// Search on grid

// Click row
clickRowContents("DBSTest Changed");

// Click on button
clickButton("ButViw", true);

// Wait for button

// Check contents
checkCriterionContents("Als", "DBSTest Changed");

// Check row contents