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Version: 4.9.0

v4.0 Migration Guide

Application Structure

  • Change project structure to a Spring project structure:
  • [application-name] -> Project files (pom.xml, package.json...)

  • src

  • main

  • java -> ApplicationBoot + Java classes

       * **resources** -> Properties
  • application/[application-name] -> XML files

           * config -> AWE Properties overwritten
    * js -> Javascript files
    * css -> CSS files
    * less -> LESS files
    * schemas -> XSD Schemas
    * static -> Images/Fonts
    * webpack -> Webpack configuration
    * sql -> SQL Initialization files
    • test
  • java -> JUnit Tests

       * *resources* -> Test properties
    * *selenium* -> Selenium suites


  • Change POM file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



<name>[Project name]</name>
<description>[Project description]</description>



<!-- AWE -->


<!-- JDBC Drivers (ADD ONLY WHAT YOU NEED) -->

<!-- ORACLE -->

<!-- SQL SERVER -->

<!-- HSQL -->



<!-- Copy static files -->
<id>unpack awe-generic-screens</id>
<id>unpack awe-client-angular</id>

<!-- Copy images -->

<!-- Spring boot -->

<!-- Frontend generation -->
<id>install node and yarn</id>
<id>yarn install</id>
<arguments>--output-path "${}"</arguments>

<!-- Xml validation -->

<!-- Build an executable JAR -->

Javascript & CSS generation

  • Define a webpack file to generate custom javascript and css

XML files


  • Regular expressions

    • Dependency source-type="action" is not needed anymore. Just add your dependency actions and they will be launched on valid conditions.
    • source-type="none" and target-type="none" attributes are default values, so you don't need to set them.
    • Remove source-type="action", source-type="none" and target-type="none":
^(.*)source\-type\s*=\s*["']action["']\s*(\S+.*)$ => $1$2
^(.*)source\-type\s*=\s*["']none["']\s*(\S+.*)$ => $1$2
^(.*)target\-type\s*=\s*["']none["']\s*(\S+.*)$ => $1$2

Note: XXXX => YYYY means that you must search for XXXX expression and replace with YYYY expression

  • Direct replacement:

    • Fix dependency conditions:
condition="lte" => condition="le"
condition="gte" => condition="ge"
  • Grid pagination to grid managed pagination:
pagination="true" => managed-pagination="true"
  • control-empty-cancel action to control-unique-cancel action:
control-empty-cancel => control-unique-cancel

Query & Maintain

  • Regular expressions

    • Fix query and maintain filters:
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)value(.*/>.*)$ => $1left-variable$2 -> Replace by left-variable and add the variable name
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)variable(.*/>.*)$ => $1right-variable$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)counterfield(.*/>.*)$ => $1right-field$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)countertable(.*/>.*)$ => $1right-table$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)field(.*/>.*)$ => $1left-field$2
^(\s*<filter.*\s+)table(.*/>.*)$ => $1left-table$2
^(\s*<)field(.*\s+value.*/>.*)$ => $1constant$2
  • Direct replacement:

    • Fix query conditions:
condition="=" => condition="eq"
condition="!=" => condition="ne"
condition="LIKE" => condition="like"
condition="NOT LIKE" => condition="not like"
condition="&gt;" => condition="gt"
condition="&gt;=" => condition="ge"
condition="&lt;" => condition="lt"
condition="&lt;=" => condition="le"
condition="IS NULL" => condition="is null"
condition="IS NOT NULL" => condition="is not null"
condition="IN" => condition="in"
condition="NOT IN" => condition="not in"
  • Variable identifiers can't be used in field aliases.
  • CASE and CONCAT definitions must be defined now with the new AWE <case> and <operation> tags. See more at Query Definitions.
  • Static values must be defined as <constant> tags
  • AWE now offers more flexibility generating queries and filters:

<query id="testRowNumber">
<table id="ope"/>
<field id="l1_nom" alias="name"/>
<over alias="rowNumber">
<field function="ROW_NUMBER"/>
<order-by field="l1_nom" type="ASC"/>

<query id="testCoalesce">
<table id="ope"/>
<field id="l1_nom" alias="name"/>
<operation operator="COALESCE" alias="nameNotNull">
<field id="l1_trt"/>
<constant type="NULL"/>
<field id="l1_nom"/>
<filter condition="eq" ignorecase="true">
<field id="l1_nom"/>
<constant value="test"/>
<order-by field="l1_nom" type="ASC"/>

<query id="testCaseWhenElse">
<table id="AweThm"/>
<case alias="value">
<when left-field="Nam" condition="eq" right-variable="sunset">
<constant value="1" type="INTEGER"/>
<when left-field="Nam" condition="eq" right-variable="sunny">
<constant value="2" type="INTEGER"/>
<when left-field="Nam" condition="eq" right-variable="purple-hills">
<constant value="3" type="INTEGER"/>
<constant value="0" type="INTEGER"/>
<case alias="label">
<when condition="eq">
<field id="Nam"/>
<constant value="sunset"/>
<constant value="SUNSET"/>
<when condition="eq">
<field id="Nam"/>
<constant value="sunny"/>
<constant value="SUNNY"/>
<when condition="eq">
<field id="Nam"/>
<constant value="purple-hills"/>
<constant value="PURPLE-HILLS"/>
<constant value="other"/>
<order-by field="Nam" type="ASC" nulls="FIRST"/>

<query id="TestFieldDateFunctions">
<table id="ope" alias="awe"/>
<field id="dat_mod" table="awe" alias="year" function="YEAR"/>
<field id="dat_mod" table="awe" alias="month" function="MONTH"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="day" function="DAY"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="hour" function="HOUR"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="minute" function="MINUTE"/>
<field id="dat_mod" alias="second" function="SECOND"/>
<filter left-field="l1_nom" condition="eq" ignorecase="true">
<constant value="test"/>
<order-by field="dat_mod" table="awe" function="YEAR"/>


  • Web services calls have been changed to microservices calls:


<service id="simpleGETMicroservice">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON"/>

<service id="simpleGETMicroservice2">
<microservice name="alu-microservice2" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON"/>

<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithWrapper">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke"
wrapper="com.almis.awe.service.dto.ServiceDataWrapper" content-type="JSON"/>

<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithParameter">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>

<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithWildcard">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke/{param1}" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>

<service id="simpleGETMicroserviceWithWildcardAndParameter">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="GET" endpoint="/invoke/{param1}" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter name="param2" type="STRING"/>

<service id="simplePOSTMicroserviceWithParameters">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter name="param2" type="STRING"/>

<service id="simplePUTMicroserviceWithParameters">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="PUT" endpoint="/invoke" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>
<service-parameter name="param2" type="STRING"/>

<service id="simpleDELETEMicroserviceWithWildcard">
<microservice name="alu-microservice" method="DELETE" endpoint="/invoke/{param1}" content-type="JSON">
<service-parameter name="param1" type="STRING"/>


  • Rename Local-XX.xml files to Locale-XX.xml
  • Direct replacement:
<locals => <locales
</locals> => </locales>
<local => <locale
</local> => </locale>


Encode again the properties encoded with ENC(xxxx) at the Encrypt util screen.

Java files

Package refactorization

  • Direct replacement:
    • Packages => com.almis.awe.model.entities.XMLFile => com.almis.awe.model.entities.XMLFile => com.almis.awe.model.dto.ServiceData => com.almis.awe.service.QueryService => com.almis.awe.service.MaintainService
com.almis.awe.core.util.DateUtil =>
com.almis.awe.core.beans.ComponentAddress => com.almis.awe.model.entities.actions.ComponentAddress => com.almis.awe.model.entities.actions.ClientAction
com.almis.awe.dto => com.almis.awe.model.dto => com.almis.awe.model.dto
com.almis.awe.type => com.almis.awe.model.type => com.almis.awe.model.entities.queries => com.almis.awe.model.entities.maintain
com.almis.awe.core.exception => com.almis.awe.exception
XMLElement => XMLWrapper
AWEConstants => AweConstants
AweConstants.PARAMETER_MAX => AweConstants.COMPONENT_MAX
  • Logging
    1. Remove com.almis.awe.core.util.LogUtil
    2. Import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager and org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger
    3. Create a static logger field:
  // Logger
private static Logger logger=LogManager.getLogger(MyClass.class);
  1. Use static logger. For example:
  logger.log(Level.INFO,"[{}] No books defined for this treatment",treatment.getID());
  • Alternate logger: Lombok
  1. Add @Slf4j annotation on top of the class:

    public MyClass{

2. Use lombok logger:

log.error("My error message {}",moreInformationInVariables,exception);

AWE packages

  • There are two main packages in AWE 4.0: awe-spring-boot-starter and awe-model.
    • awe-spring-boot-starter is the core package of AWE. AWE based web applications must import this package.
      • To call AWE services, autowire services from (No more Controller calls)
    • awe-model is the interface package of AWE. AWE related applications (communication modules, microservices, etc) can import this package to gain access to interface classes.

Java services must be migrated to Spring architecture

  • Remove all controllers if they don't do anything
  • Class structure in AWE has been changed radically. Check your Java imports
  • Move manager package to service package
  • Rename all classes to classes
  • Add @Service annotation to classes
  • Use Spring methodology (@Autowired constructors, @Value to retrieve properties, etc)
  • Extend all XxxService classes from ServiceConfig if they are using:
    • com.almis.awe.core.singleton.LocalSingleton => Extend from com.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig and call getLocale methods
    • com.almis.awe.core.singleton.PropertySingleton => Extend from com.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig and call getProperty methods (And best of all use @Value instead of getProperty methods)
    • => Extend from com.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig and call getSession
    • => Extend from com.almis.awe.config.ServiceConfig and call getRequest to retrieve request parameters
    • Remove also ContextUtil.getContext() access
    • Use also getRequest().getTargetAction() to retrieve the action target called.
    • More information on Locale retrieval, Property retrieval , Session retrieval and Request retrieval.
  • Adapt custom authentication if overwritten in application
  • Use QueryService instead of DataController. All launchQuery methods now return ServiceData beans instead of DataList. You can retrieve the DataList with serviceData.getDataList() method.
  • Use MaintainService instead of MaintainController.

Locale retrieval

  • Extending from ServiceConfig you get access to getLocale methods:
  • You can pass variables to replace on locale simply by adding them as arguments:

Property retrieval

  • Extending from ServiceConfig you get access to getProperty methods:
  • Anyway it's more legible and faster to retrieve properties the Spring way:
private Integer suggestTime;

Session retrieval

  • Extending from ServiceConfig you get access to getSession methods:

Request retrieval

  • Extending from ServiceConfig you get access to getRequest methods instead of retrieving them from Context:


  • You can also add some variables to the request:

Datalist type

  • DataList getRows method has changed its' signature from ArrayList<HashMap<String, CellData>> to a more generic signature: List<Map<String, CellData>>.


  • Use copy constructor instead of Cloneable interface:
public class MyClass implements Copyable<MyClass> {

private String myProp1;
private String myProp2;

* Default constructor
public MyClass() {

* Copy constructor
public MyClass(MyClass other) {
this.myProp1 = other.myProp1;
this.myProp2 = other.myProp2;

* Copy method
* @return Copy of this object
public MyClass copy() {
return new MyClass(this);

or use Lombok:

@Builder(toBuilder = true)
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class MyClass {
private String myProp1;
private String myProp2;

... and clone it with the builder:

MyClass myNewClass=myOldClass.toBuilder().build();
  • Remove from beans all methods which uses any external class. A bean only should have methods which interact over their own fields.

fill client action now has only one parameter: datalist, which will contain the full DataList:

serviceData.addClientAction(new ClientAction("fill")

... but it's simpler to use the new ClientAction builders:

serviceData.addClientAction(new FillActionBuilder(address,datalist).setAsync(true).build());

FileData bean has now a new implementation:

Use FileUtil.fileDataToString to generate a token:

public String fileDataToString(FileData fileData)

Use FileUtil.stringToFileData to retrieve a FileData bean from a token:

public FileData stringToFileData(String fileStringEncoded)

Note: FileUtil is an autowireable @Component

Web services ↪️ Microservices

  • Adapt web service interface as microservice

Awe has a new service connector layer to make requests to microservices and rest services. See services doc.


Note: To migrate the existing web services in the applications that used with AWE 3, you have to take into account the following points:

  • Parameter sending:

    • Maintains: The attribute name of service-parameter has to be the same as the attribute id of variable field of serve elements.

      <target name="MyMaintain">
      <serve service="MyService">
      <variable id="id1" type="STRING" name="criterion1.selected"/>
      <variable id="id2" type="STRING" name="criterion2.selected"/>
      <variable id="id3" type="STRING" name="criterion3.selected"/>
      <service id="CtrEvnDetIsuCnfSer">
      <microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/maintain/myMicroservice" content-type="JSON">
      <service-parameter name="id1" type="STRING" list="true"/>
      <service-parameter name="id2" type="STRING" list="true"/>
      <service-parameter name="id3" type="STRING" list="true"/>
       <service name="myMicroService" type="MAINTAION" call="myWebService">
      <param list="false" name="id1" type="STRING"/>
      <param list="false" name="id2" type="STRING"/>
      <param list="false" name="id3" type="STRING"/>
    • Queries: The attribute name of service-parameter has to be the same as the attribute id of query field. Usually, you have to add alias field with the name to describe that field.

       <query id="MyQuery" service="MyService">
      <field id="id1" alias="alias1"/>
      <field id="id2" alias="alias2"/>
      <field id="id3" alias="alias3"/>
       <service id="MyService">
      <microservice name="alu-microservice" method="POST" endpoint="/data/myMicroService" content-type="JSON">
      <service-parameter list="false" name="id1" type="STRING"/>
      <service-parameter list="false" name="id2" type="STRING"/>
      <service-parameter list="false" name="id3" type="DATE"/>
       <service name="myMicroService" type="DATA" call="myWebService">
      <param list="false" name="id1" type="STRING"/>
      <param list="false" name="id2" type="STRING"/>
      <param list="false" name="id3" type="DATE"/>
    • The number of service-parameters must be equal to param of service element (webservice).

    • The order of service-parameters matters.