Saltar al contenido principal
Version: 4.8.0

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is used to add visual elements with logic functions in the top zone of application. This part is displayed in all application screens.

You can add info elements to show more info and info-button elements as buttons with actions. Also, you can put info-criteria elements inside info elements as criteria for show more info.


Estructura Xml

The xml structure of navigation bar component is the following:

<tag type="div" id="main-navbar-collapse" style="collapse navbar-collapse main-navbar-collapse">
<tag type="div" style="right clearfix">
<tag type="ul" style="nav navbar-nav pull-right right-navbar-nav">
<info id="[id]" icon="[icon]" title="[info-title]">
... more info elements
<info id="[id]" icon="[icon]" title="[info-title]">
<info-criteria id="[id]" icon="[icon]" title="[info-criteria-title]" component="[component]" initial-load="[initial-load]"
target-action="[target-action]" session="module" style="[style]" info-style="[info-style]">
... more info criteria elements
<info-button id="[id]" icon="[icon]" title="[button-title]">
<button-action type="[action-type]" />
... more button.action
... more info-button

Nabvar structure

ElementoUsoVarias instanciasDescripción
infoOpcionalSiGraphical element to show information
info-buttonOpcionalSiNavbar button for execute task. Same as button element in Awe
info-criteriaOpcionalSiNavbar criteria to get input from the user and send it to the application server (business logic) . Same as criteria element in Awe

info attributes

idRequiredStringInfo element identifier. Con fines de referencia
fieldOpcionalStringName of model attribute to get value of target-actionEx.: field="label" Get label attribute of target-action data result
titleOpcionalStringInfo static text show when overNote: You can use i18n files (locales)
labelOpcionalStringInfo text (outside the criterion)Note: You can use i18n files (locales)
styleOpcionalStringInfo CSS classes
dropdown-styleOpcionalStringInfo dropdown box CSS classes
iconOpcionalStringIdentificador de iconoNote: You can check all iconsets at icons screen
unitOpcionalStringInfo unit. Use it with info icon to show a number as stacked style
sessionOpcionalStringSession variable to load the criterionSession variable identifier
valueOpcionalStringInfo default value
propertyOpcionalStringProperty variable to load the criterionProperty variable identifier
server-actionOpcionalStringLlamada de acción del servidorSee server action list
target-actionOpcionalStringDestino para llamar al servidor

info-button attributes

titleOpcionalStringStatic text show when over buttonNote: You can use i18n files (locales)
info-styleOpcionalStringCss style of info-button container

Note: info-button element has other attributes as button element. You can see more info here.

info-criteria attributes

titleOpcionalStringStatic text show when over criteriaNote: You can use i18n files (locales)
info-styleOpcionalStringCss style of info-criteria containerEx.: info-style="form-group"

Note: info-criteria element has the same attributes as criteria element. You can see more info here.


  • Navigation bar with some info elements and info button


<tag type="div" id="main-navbar-collapse" style="collapse navbar-collapse main-navbar-collapse">
<tag type="div" style="right clearfix">
<tag type="ul" style="nav navbar-nav pull-right right-navbar-nav">
<info id="ButUsrAct" icon="user" field="Val" server-action="data" target-action="ConUsr"/>
<info-button id="ButLogOut" icon="sign-out" title="BUTTON_LOGOUT">
<button-action type="logout" />
  • Navigation bar with one info with info-criteria elements


<tag type="div" id="main-navbar-collapse" style="collapse navbar-collapse main-navbar-collapse">
<tag type="div" style="right clearfix">
<tag type="ul" style="nav navbar-nav pull-right right-navbar-nav">
<info id="ButUsrAct" icon="user" field="Val" server-action="data" target-action="ConUsr">
<info-criteria icon="image" title="PARAMETER_THEME" component="select" id="theme" initial-load="query"
target-action="ThmSelVal" session="theme" style="col-xs-12 no-label" info-style="form-group">
<dependency-element id="theme" />
<dependency-action type="server" server-action="maintain-silent" target-action="SesVarThm" silent="true" />
<dependency-action type="change-theme" target="theme" />
<info-criteria icon="language" title="PARAMETER_LANGUAGE" component="select" id="language" initial-load="enum"
target-action="Lan" session="language" style="col-xs-12 no-label" info-style="form-group">
<dependency-element id="language" />
<dependency-action type="server" server-action="maintain-silent" target-action="SesVarLan" silent="true" />
<dependency-action type="change-language" target="language" />
  • Info with unit and dependencies


<info id="Dab" icon="database" unit="3" style="nav-icon-btn-success">
<dependency source-type="criteria-text" target-type="label" target-action="database" initial="true">
<dependency-element id="database"/>