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Version: 4.9.0

Pivot Table

The pivot table is an analytic component which allows the user to generate custom reports from a dataset, and play with those data in several ways.


XML skeleton

To define a pivot table in AWE you must follow the next structure:

<pivot-table id="pivotTableId" target-action="getDataOfPivotTable" max="0" style="expand"/>


id3.0RequiredStringGrid identifier. For reference purposes
style3.0OptionalStringGrid CSS classes
initial-load3.0OptionalStringServer action call to load the grid data. It only supports query value
server-action3.0OptionalStringServer action callSee server action list
target-action3.0OptionalStringTarget to call on the server
max3.0OptionalIntegerMaximum number of elements to retrieve per page
help3.0OptionalStringHelp text for the gridNote: You can use i18n files (locales)
help-image3.0OptionalStringHelp image for the gridThis must be a image path
total-row-placementNew from 3.1OptionalStringPlace the totalizer rowtop, bottom. Default value is bottom
total-column-placementNew from 3.1OptionalStringPlace the totalizer columnleft, right. Default value is right
rendererNew from 3.1OptionalStringInitially selected rendererTable, Table Barchart, Heatmap, Row Heatmap, Col Heatmap. Default value is Table
aggregatorNew from 3.1OptionalStringInitially selected aggregatorCount, Count Unique Values, List Unique Values, Sum, Integer Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, Sum over Sum, 80% Upper Bound, 80% Lower Bound, Sum as Fraction of Total, Sum as Fraction of Rows, Sum as Fraction of Columns, Count as Fraction of Total, Count as Fraction of Rows, Count as Fraction of Columns, Custom aggregators. Default value is null
aggregation-valueNew from 3.1OptionalStringInitially selected aggregation columnA column from the initial column list. Default value is null
sort-methodNew from 3.1OptionalStringValue sort methodabsolute (absolute value sort), natural (natural sort). Default value is natural
rowsNew from 3.1OptionalStringInitially selected rowsAdd more than one separated by commas
colsNew from 3.1OptionalStringInitially selected columnsAdd more than one separated by commas
decimal-numbersNew from 3.1OptionalStringNumber of decimalsNote: You have to set a custom aggregator like Custom sum, Custom Average, Custom Minimum, ...
thousand-separatorNew from 3.1OptionalStringThousand character separatorNote: You have to set a custom aggregator. Default value is '.'
decimal-separatorNew from 3.1OptionalStringDecimal character separatorNote: You have to set a custom aggregator. Default value is ','