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Version: 4.9.0

Screen Element

The screen is the container tag for all screen components. In this tag you have to define the JSP template the screen is going to render, the screen title (label), and some other features like the target, which is a list of queries to launch that will fill the criteria values.

XML skeleton

The basic structure of a screen XML is the next one:

<screen template="[template]" label="[screen-title-literal]" keep-criteria="[keep-criteria]" 
target="[query-targets]" onload="[manintain-onload]" onunload="[maintain-onunload]"
<tag source="[source1]">...</tag>
<tag source="[source2]">...</tag>

Screen structure

For easier development of graphics, not all labels are required.

ElementUseMultiples instancesDescription
screenRequiredNoScreen container
tagOptionalYesSource descriptors

Screen attributes

Screen element has the following attributes:

templateRequiredStringTemplate which the xml is going to renderfull, window
labelOptionalStringTitle of the screenNote: You can use i18n files (locales)
keep-criteriaOptionalBooleanStores the screen data to show it whenever user returns to the screen (only inputs data, not grids or charts data)Default value is false
targetOptionalStringInitial queries which initialize all criteria values in the screen. Queries columns must match criteria identifiersQuery identifiers, separated by commas ,
onloadOptionalStringMaintain target to launch on screen loadMaintain target identifier
onunloadOptionalStringMaintain target to launch on screen unloadMaintain target identifier
schema-locationRequiredStringLocation for XSD filesExample for awe screens: "../../sch/awe/screen.xsd"